Welcome to Athletic Registration for:

Algonquin Regional High School

Melican Middle School

Trottier Middle School

Click the icon below to register for an activity

Spring 2025 Registration
Opens: Thursday, February 13th at 8:00am
Closes: Monday, March 10th at 12noon
Physical Examinations
Students in grades 9-12 registering for athletics must have a current physical examination on file *at the school* before the student is authorized to participate in practice/tryouts. To ensure clearance for participation, physicals should be completed and turned into the *Athletic Office before the first day of tryouts*. 
Physicals are valid for *13 months*  from the date of the last exam. Video/Virtual physicals are NOT accepted by order of The Department of Public Health.

If you have questions or need assistance with the registration, please address it to:
Michael Mocerino - Director of Athletics 
Phone: 508-351-7010 ext.1021
Susan Baburins - Assistant 
Phone: 508-351-7010 ext.1022